These projects are a combination of employed, freelance and self-directed projects. The self-directed projects are works in progress that I'm still adding too.

Design challenge at Tigerspike London with women in tech club.
Two hours in groups to create a product to help address the challenge of diversity and inclusion in tech.
I have included the work done within our group in that session and I have built upon it since the event to create the first MVP.
My Role
Main Goal
Project type
A product designer in a team of 6.
Create a product to address the challenge of diversity in tech.
Self directed
Designing a side hustle, I trained as a product designer originally (physical product, lighting, furniture etc) I want to create a business selling something I design.
My Role
Main Goal
Project type
UX/UI Designer
Jewellery design
Content creation
Identify a design a side hustle and have an outlet for personal creativity that I have complete control in.
Self directed

Google Creative Lab commissioned the studio to create ‘Assembly of Youth’, a temporary, sculptural installation at the hall of the UN Assembly in New York.
My Role
Main Goal
Project type
Experience designer and model maker
Create an installation to convey a powerful message.
United Visual Artists